To introduce myself to those who don’t know me, I am the president of the Franktown Citizens’ Coalition II (FCC II), a large contingent of greater Franktown citizens who have been working together for many years to protect our beautiful rural area, our resources, our water, our history, our night skies and to prevent the density that will ruin it all.
This is a reach-out to all of the citizens of the city and unincorporated Elizabeth and greater Franktown about the growth planned by Elizabeth officials. These plans will negatively impact both of our areas significantly. If you’re worried about your water and traffic, these plans should get your attention! The FCC II is working on a joint Elizabeth and Franktown meeting at the Franktown firestation to educate both communities on the facts regarding how the planned growth in Elizabeth will detrimentally impact both of our beautiful rural communities. PLEASE COME TO THE FRANKTOWN FIRESTATION ON AUGUST 15TH FROM 6 – 8 PM and find out what is happening!
FRIGHTENING FACTS: On July 25th the FCC II Board met with Commissioner Laydon, Douglas County Planning staff and an elected official and staff from Elizabeth to discuss how Elizabeth’s growth plans will affect Douglas County, in particular Franktown. The meeting was cordial and professional and we thank the Elizabeth personnel for attending and for their courtesy. But the information imparted to us on Elizabeth’s planned growth was, at the very least, frightening as it impacts both of our areas’ water, density and traffic. One statement made by the person who presented Elizabeth’s plans at this meeting was that they plan on growing Elizabeth from approximately 1500 to 20,000! Just try driving any artery in and out of Elizabeth if that happens–and Franktown will have the very same problems! Also, wells have already gone dry in Franktown necessitating drilling deeper! What about Elizabeth’s wells? Citizens of Elizabeth have already spoken up at public meetings about their concerns on how this planned growth will affect their wells. Some examples. On January 22, 2019 at a Board of Trustees meeting one person stated that his well in the Lower Dawson drops 15 feet when the lines were filled. He said the wells have dropped over 40 feet from 2015 to 2018. There are also minutes from meetings (see June 11, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting) concerning the selling of Elizabeth’s water, that will come from “the town or from Wild Point,” to fill trucks. These are just some examples. There’s many more statements and concerns from Elizabeth citizens. I’ve spoken with many Elizabeth citizens who have reached out to me because they were aware of the FCC II’s fight to stop overdevelopment and keep Franktown rural. What I hear from these Elizabeth citizens is they do not want big growth but would like only an upgrade of the town center. That would be great for everyone and would protect Elizabeth’s small town feel and rural way of life, reduce water consumption and not clog our roads. Many of the people I’ve spoken with (and obviously they don’t speak for all of Elizabeth citizens) are, also, not against growth if it’s rural residential growth (1 house per 5 acres). None were for the growth that is planned!
As I indicated in my last email to Franktown citizens, Douglas County is supporting our position in opposition to the Elizabeth Comprehensive Master Plan’s present 3 alternatives (hopefully, they will change) proposed by Elizabeth that show a possible annexation of parts of the eastern area of Franktown. Commissioner Laydon and staff were there in support of our opposition. At the July 25th meeting Commissioner Laydon made clear that he “unequivocally supports and prioritizes the needs of Douglas County citizens, and opposes any plan to annex that does not take into consideration and comply with the Douglas County Comprehensive Master at Policy 2-16B: “Municipal annexations by non-Douglas County based municipalities that may adversely impact the fiscal viability of special districts, municipalities, or planned communities or that do not conform to Nonurban designations and uses, are inconsistent with this plan.” Many thanks and much appreciation to the staff of Douglas County and to Commissioner Laydon! We’ll see what the final Elizabeth Comprehensive Master Plan proposes.
All of you should be aware that Elizabeth officials have planned a public meeting on August 21st at 6 pm at Elizabeth High School(See attached flyer) to hear input from people on the Elizabeth Comprehensive Master Plan! This is the final meeting to hear from citizens about the Elizabeth Comprehensive Master Plan (ECMP)–which means it may be the last time citizens have a chance to be heard to impact what decisions current elected officials will be making about the growth in Elizabeth. Once the ECMP is finalized, its policies will be the guidelines that determine how the future that will impact both Elizabeth and Franktown.
To all of the citizens of both our beloved rural areas–ONWARD TOGETHER. See you on the 15th and 21st! Diana Love President Franktown Citizens’ Coalition II.
To all of the citizens of both our beloved rural areas–ONWARD TOGETHER. See you on the 15th and 21st!
Diana Love
Franktown Citizens’ Coalition II