25 April 2017, 6:30pm Meeting!


Hi Everyone,

Please get the word out. Because of all of the new filings by the developer, we are having a meeting at the fire station, April 25, 2017 at 6:30.

So far the filings are:

Land Use:

  1. The PD Guide was resubmitted. The only change to earlier versions was a slightly expanded Section dealing with the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions. (see Statement of Commitments #2).
  2. I prepared a summary of the project’s consistency with the Franktown Village Sub Area Plan. Please note this is not a submittal requirement but something I plan to present to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners during the hearings.


  1. A revised Water Demand and Supply Study. The only changes to this study from earlier versions was; (1) the inclusion of additional decreed water under off-site property owned by Franktown Development Company, LLC. A portion of the decreed water had already been identified in the earlier versions of the Study but additional resources from this same decree is necessary to demonstrate future irrigation supply to the proposed DCSD Park site, and (2) an acknowledgement of the final decree in Case No. 2016CW3137.
  2. A set of Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for all On-site and Off-site properties in which the decreed water from the Denver, Arapahoe and Laramie-Fox Hills has been identified as part of the water supply plan. These were previously submitted except for the one connected to the additional decreed water (see No. 1 above)
  3. A revised Water Appeal Letter that adds the additional acreage required by No. 1 above.
  4. A revised Legal Opinion was provided to acknowledge the final decree for water in Case No. 2016CW3137

The attorney for the developers has offered to meet with us. We can talk about that on the 25th. For those of you who want to review the filinggs, I have included the instructions on how to get to that area of the Douglas County website again below. See you all at the meeting.

Diana Love
President FCC II

Instructions for Douglas County website to review developers filings:
  • Type in Douglas County Planning Pro into Google (search)
  • Click on “Planning Pro-home-Douglas County” It opens right up onto “Project Information.”
    • Click on “Project Search.” It opens up to the project search page. All you have to do here is type in the project number “ZR2012-008.” Go down to where there’s a box that says “search” and click it. It opens up on the Franktown project.
    • Click on “View Project
    • On the page that opens click on “Documents ” All of the filed documents will be there. If you want the latest filed documents click on the box that says “Title A-Z” It will drop down giving you choices. Click on “Last Updated Date Descending” and then click on the box that says “Update.” You’re done. All of the documents are listed by latest date filed.