Hello all.
The land attorney was present at the Save Franktown meeting last night (10.17.16), and the most important message he conveyed is that the Douglas County Master Capital Plan, which guides all development, is open to interpretation where Franktown Village is concerned. As such, it is our job to CONVINCE the Board of County Commissioners that the proposed development is in violation of the Master Plan and the current zoning regulations in Douglas County.
In the lawyer’s estimation, we have a strong leg to stand on in that the proposed development would undermine the essence of the Master Plan and that it would undeniably, and forevermore, fundamentally alter the rural character that we all cherish in Franktown.
To be effective in our arguments to the Planning Commission and then the County Commissioners, we must be organized, aware, coordinated, and have a clear understanding of our arguments. We need verifiable information to back up our feelings. He also stressed the importance of a show of numbers. By writing letters, and most importantly by SHOWING UP at the public hearings (the first being 11/7/16 at 7 pm, 100 Third St, Castle Rock) we can convey the strength of our commitment and convictions to the ELECTED Board of County Commissioners.
This is not the time to rely on someone else to take care of this. Every voice in the the Franktown Community is important and vital. The current developers have made more progress than any other development company we’ve faced so far and 30-yr veterans of this fight are nervous. We are within 2 votes (first the advisory Planning Commission, and then the Commissioners themselves) of getting a high-density housing development in the heart of Franktown.
Please read the files that have been uploaded to this website, and SHARE with friends and neighbors who are not on the page. You can print the documents and walk them over.
The “How to HELP” will give you pointers on being involved and upcoming meeting dates, the “Topline Summary” will let you know what the development entails and some details from the Master Plan and county (re)zoning guidelines, and the “Opposition Letter and Talking Points” will help you craft your letters and give you talking points that relate directly to zoning violations. You can find all of the documents on SaveFranktown.:
Please write a physical letter to the Planning Commission and get that in the mail to be received prior to the Nov. 7 meeting. Then mark your calendars for Nov. 7, 7:00 pm (6:00 pm if you’d like to sign up to speak), 100 Third St, for the first major show of support at the Planning Commission meeting. The developer will make a presentation, followed by a report from the county planning staff, and then the floor is opened to public comment.
NOTE: There will be a specific posting prior to the 11/7 meeting on our effort and tactics to present all relevant points to the Commission.
Thanks everyone.