Hello Everyone,
Amendments that allow the State to override local government land use planning, are being planned to be put back into SB23-213! These amendments are going back to the House Transportation, Housing and Local Government Committee today (Tuesday 5/2).
If you don’t want the state to control what happens to development in Franktown, please contact both our Representative and our Senator to urge them to oppose this bill in any form. These are the legislators that cover Douglas County:
Senator Mark Baisley (R)
Representative Brandi Bradley (R)
Senator Jim Smallwood
A suggested simple email that should work:
Subject: Oppose Senate Bill 213
Dear Senator Baisley (or Representative Bradley),
As a resident of Douglas County, I urge you to oppose SB23 – 213 in any form. The original bill, and amendments now being considered, will impose state-wide standards on housing density – overriding the land use planning authority of local governments. Land use planning, and water demand planning, need to be considered and controlled at the most local level. State-mandated housing density standards that do not consider municipal designs and our Douglas County Master Plan will destroy the effectiveness of our local governments’ efforts to create a balanced environment that meets the needs of all citizens and provides for protection of our precious water supply resources and infrastructure.
Please vote NO on SB-213, should it come to a vote.
Best regards,
This is likely to go to vote in less than a week — time is critical so please reach out right away!! Please pass this Newsletter on to anyone you know that opposes this land control grab by the state!
Diana Love