Readings on Community Change, Development, Growth:
- Walker, Amanda J., and Robert L. Ryan. “Place attachment and landscape preservation in rural New England: A Maine case study.” Landscape and urban planning 86.2 (2008): 141-152.
- Smith, Michael D., and Richard S. Krannich. ““Culture Clash”Revisited: Newcomer and Longer‐Term Residents’ Attitudes Toward Land Use, Development, and Environmental Issues in Rural Communities in the Rocky Mountain West.” Rural Sociology 65.3 (2000): 396-421.
- Corburn, Jason. “Community knowledge in environmental health science: co-producing policy expertise.” Environmental Science & Policy 10.2 (2007): 150-161.
- Dannenberg, Andrew L., et al. “The impact of community design and land-use choices on public health: a scientific research agenda.” American journal of public health 93.9 (2003): 1500-1508.
- Henriques, Irene, and Perry Sadorsky. “The relationship between environmental commitment and managerial perceptions of stakeholder importance.” Academy of management Journal 42.1 (1999): 87-99.
- Marans, Robert W. “Understanding environmental quality through quality of life studies: the 2001 DAS and its use of subjective and objective indicators.” Landscape and Urban Planning 65.1 (2003): 73-83.
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