Planning Commission Hearing On Rezoning Proposal. In Franktown” Franktown Citizens’ Coalition II’s Position On Zr2018-011 Rezoning Proposal In Franktown

Hi Everyone,
We all know that the fight to protect Franktown isn’t over. See below information.  We MUST stay vigilant and show up at the hearings. I just found out about a  hearing at the Planning Commission by seeing a sign on Hwy 86.  You will see below in  my August email to the County regarding this rezoning request that we opposed it, and that I also requested notice from the County when a hearing was set at the Planning Commission.  I did not get any notice so when I saw the sign I immediately put the below email together and sent it to the County.  I doubt they will give us an extension, therefore, the hearing on this rezoning proposal is Monday, December 3rd at 7:00 pm  (100 3rd Street Castle Rock) and the Board of County Commissioners’ hearing to make the final decision is December 18th at 2:30 pm.  I know this is late notice but I hope to see you there as a show of Franktown unity and force to stop the density “creep” in our community.

For more info, location, etc. they should appear on: Douglas County Planning Sessions

Diana Love